the illustrated shakespeare

John and Josiah Boydell.
Othello, Act V , Scene II, 19th century.

Alexander Anderson.
Othello, 1775-1870.

Alexander Anderson.
Hamlet, 1775 - 1870.

Thomas Stothard.
Othello, Act II, Scene I, 1755-1834.

Alexandra Exter (1882-1949).
Othello, Act I.
pl. 1 from the set, Décors de théâtre, 1930.

Alexandra Exter (1882-1949).
Othello, Act II.
pl. 2 from the set, Décors de théâtre, 1930

Charles W. Cope.
Othello Relating His Adventures, 1853.

Thomas Ryder 1799.
Othello. Act II, Scene I. A Platform.

William Leney 
Act V, Scene II, 1769-1831