the illustrated shakespeare


Act I.

Act I, Scene I: King Lear's palace.
Act I, Scene II: The Earl of Gloucester's castle.
Act I, Scene III: The Duke of Albany's palace.
Act I, Scene IV: A hall in the same.
Act I, Scene V: Court before the same.


Act II.

Act II, Scene I. GLOUCESTER's castle.
Act II, Scene II. Before Gloucester's castle.
Act II, Scene III. A wood.
Act II, Scene IV. Before GLOUCESTER's castle. KENT in the stocks.


Act III.

Act III, Scene I. A heath.
Act III, Scene II. Another part of the heath. Storm still.
Act III, Scene III. Gloucester's castle.
Act III, Scene IV. The heath. Before a hovel.
Act III, Scene V. Gloucester's castle.
Act III, Scene VI. A chamber in a farmhouse adjoining the castle.
Act III, Scene VII. Gloucester's castle.


Act IV.

Act IV, Scene I. The heath.
Act IV, Scene II. Before ALBANY's palace.
Act IV, Scene III. The French camp near Dover.
Act IV, Scene IV. The same. A tent.
Act IV, Scene V. Gloucester's castle.
Act IV, Scene VI. Fields near Dover.
Act IV, Scene VII. A tent in the French camp. LEAR on a bed asleep,


Act V.

Act V, Scene I. The British camp, near Dover.
Act V,Scene II. A field between the two camps.
Act V, Scene III. The British camp near Dover.