the illustrated shakespeare

Alexander Anderson.
 Winter's Tale, 1775-1870.

Henry William Bunbury.
Florrizel & Autolicus Exchange Garments.
Winter's Tale., 1750 - 1811.

Jean Pierre Simon.
Winter's Tale, Act II, Scene III, 1750-1810.

Owen Jones.
illustration for the text Hermione entreating.

Owen Jones.
Hermione entreating.

Owen Jones.
Scenes from the Winter's Tale (London: Day and Son, [ca. 1880]), 1880.

Augustus Leopold Egg.
A Scene from 'The Winter's Tale,' 1845.

Charles R. Leslie.
Florizel and Perdita, 1837.

Charles R. Leslie.
Autolycus, 1836

Thomas Charles Wageman.
John Fawcett as Autolycus in 'The Winter's Tale,' 1828.