the illustrated shakespeare


Act I.

Act I, Scene I. Antechamber in LEONTES' palace.
Act I, Scene II. A room of state in the same.


Act II.

Act II, Scene I. A room in LEONTES' palace.
Act II, Scene II. A prison.
Act II, Scene III. A room in LEONTES' palace.


Act III.

Act III, Scene I. A sea-port in Sicilia.
Act III, Scene II. A court of Justice.
Act III, Scene III. Bohemia. A desert country near the sea.


Act IV.

Act IV, Scene I. The Chorus.
Act IV, Scene II. Bohemia. The palace of POLIXENES.
Act IV, Scene III. A road near the Shepherd's cottage.
Act IV, Scene IV. The Shepherd's cottage.


Act V.

Act V, Scene I. A room in LEONTES' palace.
Act V, Scene II. Before LEONTES' palace.
Act V, Scene III. A chapel in PAULINA'S house.