the illustrated shakespeare

Alexander Anderson.
Cymbeline, 1775-1870.

Henry William Bunbury.
The Supposed Death of Imogen.
Cymbeline, Act 4, Scene 4., 1750-1811.

Thomas Burke.
Cymbeline, Act I, Scene II, 1749-1815.

John Hoppner.
Cymbeline. Act III, Scene VI, 1757-1810.

Henry William Bunbury.
The Supposed Death of Imogen, with Belarius and the Two Sons of Cymbeline, 1792-1796.

Thomas Graham.
Imogen in the Cave.

James Smetham.
Imogen and the Shepherds, 1858-1868.

Wilhelm Nowak.
Imogen (Shakespeare Visionen), 19th - 20th century.

Walther Teutsch.
From Visions of Shakespeare.

Dawe, George 1781-1829
Imogen Found in the Cave of Belarius exhibited 1809