the illustrated shakespeare


Act I.

Act I, Scene I. Britain. The garden of Cymbeline's palace.
Act I, Scene II. The same. A public place.
Act I, Scene III. A room in Cymbeline's palace.
Act I, Scene IV. Rome. Philario's house.
Act I, Scene V. Britain. A room in Cymbeline's palace.
Act I, Scene VI. The same. Another room in the palace.


Act II.

Act II, Scene I. Britain. Before Cymbeline's palace.
Act II, Scene II. Imogen's bedchamber in Cymbeline's palace

Act II, Scene III. An ante-chamber adjoining Imogen's apartments:
Act II, Scene IV. Rome. Philario's house.
Act II, Scene V. Another room in Philario's house.


Act III.

Act III, Scene I. Britain. A hall in Cymbeline's palace.
Act III, Scene II. Another room in the palace.
Act III, Scene III. Wales: a mountainous country with a cave.
Act III, Scene IV. Country near Milford-Haven.
Act III, Scene V. A room in Cymbeline's palace.
Act III, Scene VI. Wales. Before the cave of Belarius.
Act III, Scene VII. Rome. A public place.


Act IV.

Act IV, Scene I. Wales: near the cave of Belarius.
Act IV, Scene II. Before the cave of Belarius.
Act IV, Scene III. A room in Cymbeline's palace.
Act IV, Scene IV. Wales: before the cave of Belarius.


Act V.

Act V, Scene I. Britain. The Roman camp.
Act V, Scene I. Field of battle between the British and Roman camps.
Act V, Scene I. Another part of the field.
Act V, Scene IV. A British prison.
Act V, Scene V. Cymbeline's tent.