the illustrated shakespeare

Robert Cooper.
William Shakespeare, 1836.

Claude Dubosc.
Portrait of Shakespeare, 18th century.

T. H. Ellis.
Portrait of Shakespeare, 1868-1893.

Karl Friedrich Irminger.
Shakespeare Portrait, 1813-1863.

Johann Passini.
Shakespeare Portrait, 18th-19th century.

Riddle & Couchman.
Portrait of William Shakespeare, 19th century.

Benjamin Smith.
The Alto Relievo in front of the Shakespeare gallery;

Maurizio Steinla.
Portrait of William Shakespeare., 18th - 19th century.

William Blake.
Portrait of Shakespeare, c. 1800-1803.

Charles Cattermole.
Scenes from the Life of Shakespeare.

Free Shakespeare in Central Park, 1994.

Benjamin Smith.
Shakespeare Nursed by Tragedy & Comedy, after George Romney, 18th - 19th century.

Benjamin Smith.
Infant Shakespeare attended by nature and passion, 1709.

John Faed.
Shakespeare and His Contemporaries, 1851.

Richard Westall. Shakespeare Between Tragedy and Comedy, 1825.

Gheerart Janssen.
Shakespeare's Stratford Monument, between 1616 and 1623.
The Droeshout Engraving.
From the title page to the First Folio, published 1623. The Marshall Engraving.
From the 1640 edition of Shakespeare's Poems The Faithorne Engraving.
From the 1655 edition of The Rape of Lucrece. Unknown artist.
The Flower Portrait
Attributed to John Taylor.
The Chandos Portrait Nicholas Hilliard.
Minature portrait, 1588. Gerard Soest (d.1681).
The Soest Portrait Attributed to John Sanders.
The Sanders Portrait