the illustrated shakespeare
ANTIOCHUS king of Antioch.
PERICLES prince of Tyre.


two lords of Tyre.
SIMONIDES king of Pentapolis.
CLEON governor of Tarsus.
LYSIMACHUS governor of Mytilene.
CERIMON a lord of Ephesus.
THALIARD a lord of Antioch.
PHILEMON servant to Cerimon.
LEONINE servant to Dionyza.
Marshal. (Marshal:)
A Pandar. (Pandar:)
BOULT his servant.
The Daughter of Antiochus. (Daughter:)
DIONYZA wife to Cleon.
THAISA daughter to Simonides.
MARINA daughter to Pericles and Thaisa.
LYCHORIDA nurse to Marina.
A Bawd. (Bawd:)
Lords, Knights, Gentlemen, Sailors, Pirates,
Fishermen, and Messengers. (Lord:)
(First Lord:)
(Second Lord:)
(Third Lord:)
(First Knight:)
(Second Knight:)
(Third Knight:)
(First Gentleman:)
(Second Gentleman:)
(First Sailor:)
(Second Sailor:)
(First Pirate:)
(Second Pirate:)
(Third Pirate:)
(First Fisherman:)
(Second Fisherman:)
(Third Fisherman:)
GOWER as Chorus.