the illustrated shakespeare

Alexander Anderson.
As You Like It, 1775-1870.

Henry William Bunbury.
Rosalind, Celia & Touchstone.
As You Like It. Act II Scene III;. 1750-1811.

Henry William Bunbury.
Jacques Discovered By The Duke.
As You Like It, Act II, Scene I. 1750-1811.

John Downman.
As You Like It. - Act I, Scene II., 1750-1824.

William Leney.
As You Like It. Act II, Scene VII., 1769-1831.

John Ogborne.
As you like it. Act II, Scene VII, 1725-1795.

John Ogborne.
As you like it. Act II, Scene VII, 1725-1795.

Jean Pierre Simon.
As You Like It. Act II, Scene VII, 1750-1810.

Jean Pierre Simon.
As You Like It. Act II, Scene VII, 1750-1810.

Jean Pierre Simon.
Shakespeare; As You Like It. Act V, Scene IV, 1750-1810.

Robert Thew.
As You Like It. Act II, Scene VII, 1758-1802.

William Charles Wilson.
As You Like It. Act IV, Scene III, 18th-19th century

William Blake.
Jaques and the Wounded Stag, 1806..

Walter Howell Deverell.
The Mock Marriage of Orlando and Rosalind, 1853.

Daniel Maclise.
The Wrestling Scene from 'As You Like It', 1855.

William Mulready.
The Seven Ages of Man, 1838.

John Pettie.
Touchstone and Audrey.

Constable, John, Lucas, David 1776-1837, 1802-1881
Jaques and the Wounded Stag published 1855 Hayman, Francis 1708-1776
The Wrestling Scene from `As You Like It' circa 1740-1742
Melville, Arthur 1855-1904
Audrey and her Goats 1883-1889 Moore, Henry, OM, CH 1898-1986
Man and Woman 1982 Moore, Henry, OM, CH 1898-1986
The Infant 1982 Moore, Henry, OM, CH 1898-1986
The Schoolboy 1982
Moore, Henry, OM, CH 1898-1986
The Lover 1982 Moore, Henry, OM, CH 1898-1986
The Soldier, 1982 Moore, Henry, OM, CH 1898-1986
The Justice 1982 Moore, Henry, OM, CH 1898-1986
The Pantaloon 1982
Moore, Henry, OM, CH 1898-1986
The Last Scene 1982 Sant, James 1820-1916